Emotional Quantum Healing
Free yourself of your emotional addictions
Discover your authentic self!
live your authentic life & nothing can stop you!
Deborah Picou
Emotional Quantum Healing
Emotional Quantum Healing is a technique which Deborah developed after years of working with clients seeing what was truly of benefit in their emotional growth. This coupled with intense study, channeling and application gave rise naturally to her powerful technique. Emotional Quantum Healing utilizes Neuroscience in concert with Quantum Physics to exact a specific & unique emotional change for each of her clients. This powerful combination has given her clients great success in their efforts to understand, transmute and empower themselves on an emotional level. We go to the root of the issue which is an addiction to the unresolved negative repetitive emotions of childhood. Deborah teaches her clients how to free themselves from the loop of this emotional addiction.
How to Prepare:
There's really nothing you need to do to prepare unless you are someone who simply loves to prepare. In that case, you can digitally write down your recurring negative thoughts you have that aren’t helpful. You can digitally write down the story of your life relative to what went well and what didn’t in childhood and adulthood. Write what repetitive emotions or behaviors or experiences you want to let go of. Write the negative emotions you experienced from your mother and father. You can also send me: names and ages of your siblings, name of spouse or partner, names and ages of your children, and your age at the birth of your youngest child, your profession now or before and a digital photo. But this is not required.

What to Expect:
The technique is simple, easy, uplifting and wildly transformative. And it’s scientifically based. Clients report that after their first Emotional Quantum Healing session they will never look at their childhood or adulthood the same. They are now empowered with the knowledge and understanding of why life happened the way that it did. Furthermore, they can now embrace the challenges in their lives as loving teachers who have come to guide them in attaining their intended life's purpose. Each client discovers their unique life purpose in this first session. They learn that their purpose is not about doing, it's about being. It is out of their being that their doing authentically flows. They discover what it feels like to live authentically in their flow. They discover what their tether to their authentic self is. They realize who and/or what provided a positive anchor in their life despite their struggles. Unique and uplifting Soul-work is given to deepen this work in their daily lives. The initial session is 3 hours long.